Director's photo

Message from the Director

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wajid

Pakistan has traditional culture of thousands  years. People has cast system and prefer to marriage in cast. consanguineous marriages arise multiple health issues including unusual high number of genetic mutations which leads to disabilities in children. According to genetic mutation reports of Pakistan in 2017, more than 1,000 mutations have been reported in 130 different kinds of genetic disorders in Pakistan. Therefore, this lab aimed to report novel mutations in skin, skeleton, neural, Muscular and eye genetic disorders. We also aimed for the genetic Counseling of  affected  families to manage the disorders and measures to prevent in the future.

About Zoology Laboratory

About Lab

The Applied Zoology lab is established with the aim to conduct the research in the filed of Human Molecular Genetics, Computational Biology and Nanotechnology. For this purpose, lab has all the basic facilities. The goal of the Applied Zoology lab is to satisfy students' curiosity in applied fields for personal growth and community service. We are in desire to establish the collaborations for advance level research. We welcome all students and researchers for collaborations.

Brief Description

Currently lab is working on different domain of hereditary disorders of human, In silico gene analysis and Nanobiotechnology. Ph.D scholars of the lab are also working on Neurological, Neurodegenerative movement disorders, skeleton disorders and congenital eyes disorders. In addition, different types of nan biomaterials are also being synthesized in the lab for biological applications.


Currently, lab has all basic facilities related to Human Molecular Genetics, computational Biology and Nanotechnology and we are moving to advance and cutting-edge technology. Currently, 10 Ph.D, 34 M.Phil. Scholars are enrolled and pursuing their research in the filed of Human Molecular Genetics, Computational Biology and Nanotechnology.

Opportunities Department provide students with

  • ◾  Clinical Research related to Human Molecular Genetics
  • ◾  Synthesis of Novel Nanomaterials for various Biological applications
  • ◾  DNA extraction and PCR based lab for preparation of samples for sequencing
  • ◾  Collaborative works with others labs for students, Ideas and sampling sharing

Meet The Magnificent Team

Passionate students and faculty staff driving the success of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can become a member in lab?

Scholar with 18 years of education with at least 3.0 CGPA in terminal degree and enrolled in the University. Scholar from any collaborative institute

How I Get Admission in the Lab

Submit a research proposal to the lab. after evaluation lab will contact you and send you a acceptance letter. apply in the admission portal of University of Okara in Fall session.

What kind of research is carried out in the Lab?

Lab mainly focus on the Human hereditary disorders including skin, nail teeth, hairs, skeleton, eye and neuromuscular disorders. Beside this lab also has a division of nano-biomaterials synthesis and Drugs synthesis and toxicity.

Who should I reach out to if I have any questions?

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us by clicking the button below. We would be happy to stay engaged via email.